“My relationship with my daughters has improved because I am no longer looking to them for validation or to feel loved. I have a new appreciation for them as capable people whom I trust, and that is teaching them to trust themselves.”
— P. B., Mother • Corpus Christi, Texas
“So much of what used to hold me back is no longer a part of who I am. I am more self-accepting, more loving toward myself and others, more peaceful, and more flexible. I enjoy life and feel empowered to create the life that I want.”
— B. G., Therapist/Life Coach • Austin, Texas
“It’s hard for me to imagine committing to anything besides myself now. While not every day is good, when the bad ones come, I know that not only is there light at the end of the tunnel, there is also beauty and empowerment.”
— P. B., Mother • Corpus Christi, Texas
“Working with Allies in Alchemy is transformative. It helped me uncover my inner wisdom and strength. Their guidance reminded me to trust my intuition showing me that even in challenges there is wisdom to be gained. I’ve healed and closed unhealthy generational patterns. And I’ve rediscovered the joy of living and the magic that exists in every moment. I highly recommend them to everyone.”